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印有“环境”字样的大片酸橙绿色叶子的树, 一片橙色的叶子,上面写着“知识分子”, 一片蓝色的叶子,上面写着“情感”, 紫色的叶子上写着“精神”, 红叶上写着物理, 一片写着“社会”的黄叶, 绿叶上写着“金融”, 还有几片深色和浅灰色的小叶子把它们分开. 叶子上所有的字都是白色字体.



咨询中心, 与健康委员会合作, 致力于向学生推广各种健康主题, 教职员工. 主题包括:保持健康的身心, 管理压力, 戒烟和安全问题.

The 得到包容 logo composed of a left hand with the head and shoulders of a person raising their left hand in the palm. 人和手都是绿色背景下的白色轮廓. “得到包容”字样就在他们的右边.

As part of our federal compliance mandate to address Title IX and comprehensive prevention efforts for college students, 买世界杯app推荐与 得到包容 to 介绍课程 变革之声 致所有学生.

变革之声 主要关注四个主题:身份和包容, 同意与性暴力(第九章), 酒精和其他药物, 还有欺侮和恐吓. Research says that people learn better when they take time to reflect on what they’re learning, 得到包容 designed this course to give you time to apply the concepts to your own life and consider the effects of certain behaviors on you and those around you.


All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see any individual student's answers. 


Csra社区资源指南:   This resource guide has been created by the Department of Family Medicine at Augusta University for use by the citizens of the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) to include the Georgia counties of Burke, 哥伦比亚, Glascock, 汉考克, 杰佛逊, 詹金斯, 林肯, 麦克达菲, 里士满, 塔利, 沃伦, 华盛顿, and Wilkes; and the South Carolina counties of Aiken, Edgefield, 艾伦代尔, Barnwell, 和麦考密克. 包括为卫生部门诊所提供的服务, 低成本的诊所, 药物援助, 运输, 精神健康和药物滥用, 长者护理与痴呆症, 紧急及热线服务, 急救中心, 计划生育与怀孕, 以及医疗用品. 除了物理治疗和康复, 无家可归者收容所, 保障性住房, 临终关怀, 儿童及青少年服务, 服装, 家具, 电器, 家庭用品, 牙科保健, 食品分发处, 找工作, 读写能力训练, 透析设备, 支援团体及机构, 退伍军人, 以及教育网站.  Information contained in this resource guide is not copyrighted and may be reprinted without permission.

弹性工具包: 弹性的目标 & 健康工具包是为学生提供信息和资源, 父母, 以及面对COVID-19大流行的教育工作者. The resources contained in this toolbox have been specially selected to provide assistance for students return to school. 的弹性 & 健康工具包包括有关行为健康和健康的信息, 学习资源, 为学生提供的家长资源及活动.

社区 & 精神健康资源 

A heritage green cougars paw print with the word Cougars in stylized forest green font across the pad of the paw. C.A.R.“美洲狮”这个词的首字母缩略词就在笔记本底部的上方,用白色字体写着, except the A which is an uppercase abstract A in Mint Green composed of a smaller leg representing 买世界杯app推荐 supporting the larger leg representing the Augusta 社区 and economy.

Augusta Tech seeks to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for our students and 工作人员 through CougarsCARE. 确保校园的持续安全, Augusta Tech has designated a team of specially trained 工作人员 to respond to concerns about mental health or dangerous behaviors.

Anyone in the Augusta Tech community who observes an emergency or behavior that is dangerous or severe should contact Augusta Tech Police at 706-771-4021 立即.  教师, 工作人员, 以及那些担心自己行为令人不安的学生, 扰乱或困扰,但不构成迫在眉睫的危险应完成一个 美洲豹事件报告表.

A navy 蓝色的 triangle behind three white stick figures with their heads in the points of the triangle and their feet forming a smaller triangle in the center of the 蓝色的 triangle. 社区这个词, 行动, 和代理在海军蓝三角形外,用海军蓝无衬线字体.

CSRA经济机会管理局. (CSRA EOA公司.), 自1966年以来一直为CSRA服务的非营利社区行动机构, 谁的任务是利用资源, 授权人, 并在《世界杯app软件推荐》中提倡扶贫. CSRA EOA公司. serves 14 counties with connecting people in need with community resources for childcare (Head Start), 紧急援助, 丧失抵押品赎回权的干预, 住房和购房, 公用事业公司, 经验丰富的服务, 和恒温.  访问 csraeoa.org/resource/.

A 蓝色的 rectangle with the words United Way on two rows is connected on the right to a lighter 蓝色的 square containing a logo composed of a 蓝色的 hand with three yellow arcs gradually increasing in size connecting the palm and fingers of the hand. The upper half of a red stick person with a separate circle representing the head is centered under the smallest yellow arc above the hand. CSRA的联合劝募(United Way)字样为蓝色无衬线字体.

The United Way of the CSRA is a local nonprofit organization that unites people and community resources to create change and transform lives. 联合劝募协会的2-1-1热线是一项免费的信息和转介服务. 如果你需要在CSRA中寻找帮助或可用资源,或者想要提供帮助, 拨打2-1-1 任何电话都可以 拨打706-826-1495,周一至周五,上午8:30.m. - 5 p.m. 你的电话完全是 保密且免费. 访问 www.211年csra.org 要使用我们的在线数据库, 每天24小时,每周7天.


Findhelpga.org/ has created a social care network that connects people and programs – making it easy for people to find social services in their communities including housing, 运输, 医疗, 食物, 法律, 工作和更多.

Unite Georgia logo composed of a navy 蓝色的 stylized U with a white line running along the center of the U. 一颗海军蓝的星星在美国的正上方. Unite这个词全部大写, navy 蓝色的 letters to the right of the U followed by a light 蓝色的 rectangle with the word Georgia in white font inside it.

联合格鲁吉亚是一个由保健和社会服务提供者组成的协调护理网络. 网络中的合作伙伴通过共享的技术平台连接在一起, 这使他们能够发送和接收电子转介, 满足人们的社会需求, 改善整个社区的健康状况. 访问 uniteus.com/networks/georgia.

MyGCAL APP test in white in a green box with rounded edges this a light green decorative line in the center.

如需立即获得日常或危机服务,请致电 格鲁吉亚危机和访问热线(GCAL). GCAL是一天24小时可用的, 每周7天,一年365天,在危机中帮助你或你关心的人. 请致电:1-800-715-4225


  • 提供电话危机干预服务
  • 派遣流动危机小组
  • 协助个人在全州范围内寻找公开的危机或戒毒床
  • 将个人与紧急预约服务联系起来

White box with test National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) suicidepreventionhotline.org


全国预防自杀生命线 相信我们都可以帮助预防自杀. 生命线提供全天候服务, 为遇险人士提供免费和保密的支持, 为您或您所爱的人提供预防和危机资源, 以及专业人士的最佳实践.

988 Suicide and crisis lifeline is in white font inside a navy 蓝色的 rectangle with a white outline surrounded by a navy 蓝色的 outline. 24/呼叫,文本,聊天是在深蓝色字体下的矩形框. 背景是一个天蓝色的矩形.

从2022年7月16日开始,9-8-8拨号代码可以用于打电话、发短信或聊天 . It is one of the largest federally mandated crisis response transformations in decades designed to meet the rising needs of mental health, 药物滥用障碍和自杀干预.  Callers will be connected to a trained 工作人员 member who can help address immediate needs and connect the callers to care resources, 一天24小时, 一周7天, 一年365天.


White box with gray text of Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network on the right side and on the left a design shaped like an open heart in multiple colors.


Peer2Peer暖线 is a free service provided by the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network that features 24/7 support for individuals experiencing chronic or acute behavioral health challenges.  The Peer2Peer暖线 has been in operation since the opening of the Peer Support and 健康 Center of Decatur in 2008. 它为格鲁吉亚人提供了一天24小时通过电话获得同伴支持的机会. A Certified Peer Specialist is a person with lived experience recovering from behavioral health concerns, 谁接受过特殊训练,能够以同理心倾听, 谁能为他人提供援助和资源.

上瘾 & 回收资源

白色盒子与关怀在黑色和温暖线在绿色在多个漩涡在紫色, 蓝色的, 绿色和黄色

关心暖线 员工是长期康复的个体,传递着希望的信息. 戒除毒瘾是真实的,对所有人都是可行的. 我们在这里以同情和支持的态度倾听. 我们提倡健康和自我导向的护理. 建立在优势之上, 能力, 和弹性, 我们提倡并庆祝你康复的所有途径, 你的家人. 你的社区.  买世界杯app推荐:1- 844-326-5400


Overdose prevention resource that outlines 3 simple steps for saving a life and features instructional videos.  用药过量是医疗紧急情况. 过量服用的迹象包括失去反应, 发出汩汩声/鼾声, 呼吸非常缓慢, 浅, 或者这个人根本没有呼吸. 受害者的脸可能苍白或苍白, 指甲和嘴唇可能会发蓝,心跳可能会缓慢, 不稳定或不存在.  如果你有理由怀疑阿片类药物过量,你的快速行动可以挽救生命. 观看视频


国家药物滥用研究所 provides suggestions and resources for friends and family members on finding viable treatment options.

Navy 蓝色的 box with a Google GPS symbol and the word DETOX in orange followed by LOCAL in white.

排毒当地 提供药物各方面的医学审查指南 & 戒酒程序,以及samhsa批准的医疗排毒中心名单.




